
Below you will find quotes about Community.

My career always took me away from home, I was always away from home and I just wanted to be home.

I am self-created. I always wanted to make myself a better person because I wasn’t educated. But that was my dream – to have class.

A man should only work 4 hours a day so he may have time to devote himself to the arts and sciences.

You take your problems to a god, but what you really need is for the god to take you to your inner self.

My family is so poor that we combined my father’s funeral with my 50th birthday.

When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist.

I’ve never worried about my color. I never had the black thing. If the whole world was like this, maybe there would be more harmony and love. Maybe it is. I don’t have a problem with being black in a white country or being with my people.

I will splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the wind.

Never listen to girls on how to get girls. If you’re trying to catch fish you don’t ask another fish. You ask the Fisherman.

Life isn’t perfect but your outfit can be.

You may have had fun at the time teasing, but in fact it wasn’t much fun to be teased. But I thank you, somewhere, for having done it, because it made me take up something that I love to this day – and that no one, then or now, can take me away from.

Cinderella is proof that a new pair of shoes can change your life.

I predict that by end of the 20th century, Americans will enjoy 13 weeks of vacation and a 4 day work week.

If you are 17 and live in Albertslund, what can you become? Maybe you can study in a bakery.

People walk differently in high heels. Your body sways to a different kind of tempo.

The 4 day work week is inevitable within our time.

Take from the poor and give to the rich – and the land will become richer. Take from the rich, and give to the poor – and the land will become poorer. The poor have it in them to scrape the money away.

To me, clothing is a form of self-expression – there are hints about who you are in what you wear.

You have to go through hell to be successful. There’s a reason the devil wears Prada.

I may offend some people, but about 80% of people are idiots. At least when it comes to money.

One of the worst things that can happen to a journalist is a belief in authority.

Why do you see the splinter in your brother’s eye but don’t notice the beam in your own eye?

Life is too short to wear boring clothes.

I don’t trust anyone who’s nice to me but rude to the waiter. Because they would treat me the same way if I were in that position.

They say it’s the white man I should fear, but it’s my own kind doing all the killing here.