Instead of buying your children all the things you never had, you should teach them all the things you were never taught. Material wears out but knowledge stays.
If a man says you’re ugly, he’s just mean. If a woman says you’re ugly, she’s just jealous. If a kid says you’re ugly, you’re ugly.
When peace comes, remember it will be for us, the children of today, to make the world of tomorrow a better and happier place.
You are only as happy as your least happy child-
I ain’t no saint, but I’ve tried never to do anything that would hurt my family or offend God…I figure all any kid needs is hope and the feeling he or she belongs. If I could do or say anything that would give some kid that feeling, I would believe I had contributed something to the world.
In this house, I’m not famous. Because the dog doesn’t care. And my children hopefully appreciate me more for our regular interaction and conversations,
Only women, children, and dogs are loved unconditionally. A man is only loved under the condition he provides something.
Don’t prepare the path for the child, prepare the child for the path.
The women’s struggle today is an individual struggle (…) You can’t demand equal pay if you also want to have a long maternity leave, stay at home when they are sick and be there primarily for the children.
My parents have been there for me ever since I was 7 years old.
One of the things I can’t get my hands on is something like “Mothers’ Clubs”, where instead of reading a book and walking in nature with their babies, they sit and talk about vomit and nappies and burping with other like-minded people and get nowhere. I think it bothers me a little in the women’s area.
Maybe it should have changed me more [to become a mother, ed.]. I sometimes wonder if I was at home enough with my children, but it’s no use now, because it can’t be helped. They have survived.