The largest collection of quotes

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I don’t dress up for boys. I dress up to stare at my reflection as I walk by store windows.

It’s – sorry my French – some damn nonsense. There are certainly also pig farmers and cattle farmers who go in clean boots and clothes. You will probably find most of them, so that is why it is nonsense.

Sportsmanship for me is when a player leaves the field and you can’t tell if the player has won or lost. When the player exudes pride regardless of the result.

I knew we had to drive on cobblestones, but I didn’t know they had thrown them down from a helicopter.

There’s one thing worse than being boring. It is to be immoral

The longer I stay at home, the more homeless I look.

Champions play until they reach their goal.

When peace comes, remember it will be for us, the children of today, to make the world of tomorrow a better and happier place.

My husband has quite simply been my strength and stay all these years, and I owe him a debt greater than he would ever claim.

Many of the greatest talents are allowed to sloppy for training, and when I see the youth national team play, it strikes me that many of them are very focused on their hairstyles or Italian hair bands.

I think now it’s a bit of a shame the real blondes are on the verge of extinction.

Wearing unbranded and cheap clothes does not mean you are poor. Remember you have a family to feed, not a community to impress.

Even when your life seems most monotonous, what you do is always of real value — and importance to your fellow men.

If someone offers you an amazing opportunity and you’re not sure you can do it, say yes – then learn how to do it later.

I’d say it’s been my biggest problem all my life.. it’s money. It takes a lot of money to make these dreams come true.

Life is too short to wear boring clothes.

I was raised in a free and liberal home. I have never felt threatened by other cultures, other colors or other ways of thinking. In 30 years, there will be more and more colors in the minds of the people who walk around our streets. And we want to move around a lot more ourselves. It is also necessary that we open up if we are to remain strong at that time.

We are not all in the same boat. We are all in the same storm.

Never stop being a good person because of bad people.

Everything negative – pressure, challenges – is all an opportunity for me to rise.

Stay away from negative people, they have a problem for every solution

Now they just have to stop coming up with all sorts of weird ideas. You do not know what the next thing they think we should do is. Whether we’re going to run through fire or something. I sat and thought a bit about an idea one could give to them. Maybe the day after tomorrow or in a few days, they will do a stage where we do not know when there are goals. They say it is between 1 cm. and 300 km. and then all of a sudden it’s some man with a flag – maybe a dwarf. And then the stage is over.

You take your problems to a god, but what you really need is for the god to take you to your inner self.

It is better to be one of those who sometimes go wrong than one of those who do not go at all.

If someone says it’s raining and another person says it’s dry, it’s not your job to quote them both. Your job is to look out the fucking window and find out which is true.

Citater er små perler af visdom, humor, eller indsigt

Citater er små perler af visdom, humor, eller indsigt, der ofte udtrykker komplekse tanker og følelser på en enkel og forståelig måde. Gennem historien har citater spillet en vigtig rolle i at formidle visdom og inspiration fra en generation til en anden.

Betydningen af citater

Citater kan belyse menneskelig erfaring og forståelse, og de har en særlig evne til at skabe en forbindelse mellem mennesker på tværs af tid og rum. De repræsenterer tidløse sandheder, der transcenderer kulturer og samfund, og de kan hjælpe os med at navigere i verden med større indsigt og perspektiv.

Formålet med citater

Citater kan tjene forskellige formål. For det første kan de inspirere og motivere os til at stræbe efter vores mål og drømme. For det andet kan citater fungere som vejledning i svære tider ved at give os styrke og tro på os selv. Endelig kan citater skabe en følelse af samhørighed og forståelse, når vi deler dem med andre og genkender de fælles oplevelser og følelser, de udtrykker.

Citater som katalysator for forandring

Citater kan være kraftfulde redskaber for at skabe positiv forandring i vores liv og i verden omkring os. Når vi støder på et citat, der virkelig taler til os, kan det udfordre vores eksisterende overbevisninger og tvinge os til at se tingene fra et nyt perspektiv. På denne måde kan citater inspirere os til at vokse og udvikle os som mennesker og bidrage til vores personlige og kollektive udvikling.

Citater i dagens samfund

I dagens digitale tidsalder spiller citater en endnu mere fremtrædende rolle i vores liv. Med sociale medier og internet kan citater let deles og spredes, hvilket gør dem til en integreret del af vores daglige kommunikation. Uanset om det er i form af inspirerende billedtekster, tweets eller Facebook-opdateringer, kan citater skabe en følelse af fællesskab og forbindelse blandt mennesker, der ellers måske ikke ville have krydset hinandens veje.

Citater er en skattekiste af visdom, indsigt og inspiration, der kan berige vores liv på utallige måder. Ved at vælge og dele de citater, der taler mest til os, kan vi bidrage til at sprede positivitet, styrke og sammenhold i en verden, der ofte kan synes kaotisk og uforudsigelig. Lad os omfavne kraften i citater og bruge dem som redskaber for personlig vækst og social forandring.