I’ve never gotten over what they call stagefright. I go through it every show. I’m pretty concerned, I’m pretty much thinking about the show. I never get completely comfortable with it, and I don’t let the people around me get comfortable with it, in that I remind them that it’s a new crowd out there, it’s a new audience, and they haven’t seen us before. So it’s got to be like the first time we go on.
If you can’t outplay them, you have to outfight them.
You must never let your worst enemy get into your head.
If someone offers you an amazing opportunity and you’re not sure you can do it, say yes – then learn how to do it later.
Just because you’re unique, doesn’t mean you’re useful.
In a rain of dollar bills, anything can be done
Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak.
How many cars do I have? Do I also have to count the Volvos?
I do not, in principle, comment on judges. Especially not him here.
Only women, children, and dogs are loved unconditionally. A man is only loved under the condition he provides something.
With great powers comes great responsibilities.
It is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.
Everyone you meet always asks if you have a career, are married, or own a house, as if life was some kind of grocery list. But no one ever asks you if you are happy.
I am self-created. I always wanted to make myself a better person because I wasn’t educated. But that was my dream – to have class.
I am a trained teacher. But apparently not good at pedagogy
When I was a child, ladies and gentlemen, I was a dreamer. I read comic books and I was the hero of the comic book. I saw movies and I was the hero in the movie. So every dream I ever dreamed has come true a hundred times…I learned very early in life that: ‘Without a song, the day would never end; without a song, a man ain’t got a friend; without a song, the road would never bend – without a song.’ So I keep singing a song. Goodnight. Thank you.
Don’t just read the easy stuff. You may be entertained by it, but you will never grow from it.
No matter how many grains of gold I serve you, you keep eating oatmeal, and I can’t become my problem.
Never stop being a good person because of bad people.
When my parents went to Knoxville for work, I stayed with my dad’s mom. She was strict – the type to stiffen up and iron dresses. I had to sit more than I played. Oh, I was miserable. I liked being out with the animals. I entered the house with my hair pulled out, the ribbon off my dress, dirty as heck. I always got spanked.
Sören Åkeby gets standing ovations when he says at a press conference that AGF will be Danish champions in three years, and there is not a single one who asks if he is raving insane.
Stay away from negative people, they have a problem for every solution
Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired at the age of eighteen.
Smart people learn from everything and everyone, average people from their experiences, stupid people already have all the answers.
If they want to be with sour and awkward people during their vacation, well, then they should probably choose another travel agency.